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Quality approach

Our Commitment to Quality

The satisfaction of our customers and the prevention of risks through quality is a value dear to Ivoire Transport. This is why the company works in strict compliance with quality standards in order to always offer the best in the transport of hydrocarbons.

From loading the product to delivery to the customer, each stage of transport is carefully monitored by Operators taking into account national and international regulatory provisions. From qualified personnel to a modern and highly secure fleet, Ivoire Transport does everything possible to make its service the best on the market. This is why we make quality our compass.

Thanks to this rigor and recognized hard work, Ivoire Transport has been ISO 9001 certified since 2021. This certification is the guarantee of the quality of our transport service and our relationship with our customers and partners because for us, quality is not an option, but an obligation.

Each long-distance trip is carried out by a crew of two drivers, who both have the same training in order to promote good rest for the drivers on the journeys. Starting our trucks is only possible when the driver activates the individual key assigned to him. This security arrangement allows QHSE teams to check in real time and individually that all road safety instructions are being respected (daily and weekly driving time, rest time, speed limit, braking management, driving restriction of night…).

This is reflected in the improvement in our customer satisfaction, which has increased from 67% to 93% over the last three years. That’s a growth rate of 38%.

The quality management system covers all “Transport of hydrocarbons (conditioned gas, bulk gas and fuel)” activities and is maintained by a dynamic team of process pilots regularly trained in the management of process.

A realistic mission

At Ivoire Transport, our mission is clear: to offer a high level of service to all of our customers.

We aspire to be recognized among the undisputed leaders in the field of transportation of petroleum products.

A smart Goal​

Offer a high level of quality of service to all of our customers.

Our strategic axes

  • 1. Increase customer satisfaction by providing them with products and services that meet their requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements;
  • 2. Ensure better management of hygiene, health and safety at work, the environment, as well as the security of our sites and operations;
  • 3. Ensure the maintenance and reliability of our infrastructure in order to guarantee the continuity of our activities;
  • 4. Optimize our organization and its resources, through staff training, compliance with deadlines for completing actions, and reducing non-quality costs.

Total Involvement of General Management

The constant improvement of our Quality Management System (QMS) is at the heart of our corporate culture. The general management of Ivoire Transport is heavily involved in the development and execution of strategies aimed at maintaining and improving our quality standards. Each department of our company actively contributes to the optimization of our QMS.

To strengthen this involvement, General Management plans to initiate certification to ISO 45001V2018, thus changing the quality management system (QMS) in place to a QMSST (Management System of Quality, Health & Safety at work).

At Ivoire Transport, quality is not just a promise, it is our daily commitment to our customers. We believe it is this determination that sets us apart and makes us the trusted choice for transportation of petroleum products.

Ivoire Transport, major player in the transport of hydrocarbons in Côte d'Ivoire, certified ISO 9001:2015 since August 5, 2021 and in the process of 45000 certification (health and safety at work). In ten years of existence, our commitment to quality and safety has forged our success.

Commitment to the quality approach in 2019 was a turning point. In 2021 Ivoire Transport becomes the first carrier operating in the three hydrocarbon activities (bulk gas, packaged gas and fuel) certified ISO 9001:2015 in Ivory Coast.

What we do

Our mission is to offer our customers solutions for transporting hydrocarbons