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Unsolicited application

Our human resources policy

A major asset for growth and development, Ivoire Transport's HR policy aims to ensure the best possible match between human resources and the optimal achievement of the company's objectives.


It is structured around five (5) main objectives:

  • Valuing cooperation between individuals and groups within the company,
  • Foster internal mobility, flexibility and speed of adaptation to changes,
  • Develop the skills and expertise of each person in order to promote individual development while respecting the fundamental values of the company,
  • Support the development of the men and women of the company to ensure optimal satisfaction of our customers.
  • Create a permanent and rich social dialogue between employees, managers and human resources.

Our desire is therefore to support you in your professional development throughout your career. This is why we want to offer our employees a stimulating and pleasant working environment that allows them to flourish and give the best of themselves, both individually and collectively.

Youth employment is at the heart of Ivoire Transport’s societal commitment. Ivoire Transport carried out an apprenticeship program with the FDFP. Over a period of 10 months, 55 young people were trained for jobs as drivers and mechanics. 632 hours of theoretical and practical training were provided. Added to this were hours of practical in-company training with tutors. At the end of these 10 months of training, 87% of the apprentice mechanics joined the Ivoire Transport teams under contract while 50% of the apprentice drivers are recruited and the other part is in the recruitment process.

In addition, Ivoire Transport stands alongside its employees during the main events in their lives with a social policy. The company also supports the mutual benefit of Ivoire Transport agents in their activities.

Why not you?

Ivoire Transport offers multiple access routes to its professions, adapted to the profiles and professional projects of all candidates.

Whatever the channel, we are committed to a responsible recruitment policy, with procedures that guarantee the principles of respect, non-discrimination, neutrality and promotion of diversity in based on an objective evaluation of the applications received.



My role is to deliver Bulk Gas to our customers safely and on time. I load and unload the LPG into and out of the tank using a purpose-built semi-trailer. My area of operation is not limited to Abidjan. I also travel to several regions in the interior of the country.

I'm convinced that my work at Ivoire Transport contributes to my country's economy and the well-being of its people. So I'm more than proud of it.

Bulk Gas Driver

As a holder of a BT in Mechanical Vehicle Maintenance, Ivoire Transport first of all offered me a school placement to validate my diploma, then a work placement to perfect my skills, as well as my first job as a vehicle mechanic. Finally, I now hold a position of responsibility in which team spirit is essential for real success.

I'm very happy about this and would like to thank Ivoire Transport for believing in me, my qualities and my abilities.

INZA Traoré
Mechanical Team Leader
What we do

Our mission is to offer our customers solutions for transporting hydrocarbons